A native Washingtonian, Christopher Prince is a singer, songwriter, poet, and actor. His artistic life began as a teenager when he participated in Workshops for Careers in the Arts, which ultimately became the pilot program for Washington, DC’s Duke Ellington High School for the Performing Arts. He went on to become an integral member of Washington DC arts scene in the 1980s and 90s.


Fierceness Served! The ENIKAlly Coffeehouse - Christopher Prince served as Project Director for this 2021 documentary on the performance venue and meeting place that was a safe space of creativity for Black LGBT artists and political organizations in Washington, DC from the 1980s to the mid-90s.

Atlas Arts Lab - Christopher Prince joined the inaugural Spring 2023 residency program sponsored by the Atlas Performing Arts Center which provides a platform for individual artists to develop new work and serve the community through engagement initiatives that encourage civic dialogue and community cohesion.

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With his assortment of artistic achievements, combined with a concern for social justice which is evident in his work, Chris can rightfully be described as an artist-activist who believes that, “Often people are generalized and reduced to a stereotype, political factions, or demographic formulas. Through music, poetry, and narratives I tell stories that counter the commodified personas we are presented and explore the misconceptions that to leave us vulnerable to manipulation. “

In addition to his artistic gifts, Christopher brings to bear a long history of activism. He co-produced and managed the stage entertainment for Black Gay Pride Day at Banneker Field, bringing Sweet Honey in the Rock to the event for the first time.

There are many layers to this artist and it is a distinct treat to watch them unfold.


Artist Talk with Don Napoleon from Intersections 2020
Atlas Theater, Washington, DC